From the moment the sapling meets the soil, a period slightly longer than a month, wherein you invest effort and nurture your dreams, never failing to offer your good wishes at the beginning of each season: HARVEST.
Welcoming us every autumn, the harvest season is as intense as it is short, much like the excitement of October. The moment of reaping the fruits of all your labor is as enjoyable as it is risky. Leveraging all the opportunities that technology offers us to minimize risks arising from adverse weather conditions, to safeguard the quality we strive to achieve in plant development throughout the season, and to differentiate with product quality, we process our products without human touch, from the branches of the trees to packaging.

The majority of our walnut trees, cultivated in our orchard, consist of the high-yielding Chandler variety, characterized by thin, light-colored inner nuts. This variety appears to be a reasonable choice for many investors interested in walnut cultivation in our country.
The Chandler harvest typically begins in the first week of October and lasts for approximately 15 days, depending on climatic conditions. The harvest season commences with the cracking of the green husks of the walnuts, continuing until only a minimal number of nuts remain on the trees after shaking. Proper management of this process can make a significant difference in product quality.
When it comes time to harvest walnuts, it's essential to transport them quickly to the processing facility to prevent any deterioration in product quality. Especially in the Thrace region where our orchard is located, which typically receives rainfall in October, having efficient harvesting machinery that aligns with economies of scale is of paramount importance. A harvesting team consists of a series of machines: the Shaker, which shakes the trees to make the fruits fall to the ground; the Sweeper, which gathers the fallen fruits into rows; the Harvester, which transfers the fruits from rows to trailers; and a specially designed trailer for transporting the harvested walnuts to the processing facility.
Processing the produce from the orchard to meet the highest quality demands of the market is of paramount importance to ensure that all the efforts invested throughout the season are duly rewarded.
Upon reaching the facility, the walnuts undergo a series of processes including sorting, washing, husking, drying, calibrating, and packing to add value to the product. Carrying out these procedures with the aid of state-of-the-art technologies plays a crucial role in obtaining top quality products that meet the market's demands by eliminating unwanted factors such as residual husks, color loss in the inner nuts, and the formation of disease agents.

When walnuts are imported to Turkey and exposed to varying weather conditions within containers, it creates a conducive environment for the formation of disease agents. Additionally, walnuts experiencing moisture loss during this process may suffer flavor deterioration.

Imported walnuts undergo a pesticide treatment called fumigation to make them suitable for long-term storage conditions and provide protection against rodents. However, this process can leave residues on the product.

From the tree branches to your table, we ensure production adheres to international standards without human contact. We conduct harvesting, processing, drying, and packaging in accordance with food safety and hygiene requirements.

Unlike the 6-8 week transportation period of imported walnuts, we deliver our products to you shortly after harvest, preserving their aroma, flavor, and freshness until they reach your table.